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SFA Hosts Summer Fancy Food Show Booth Contest

Specialty Food Association is hosting a Summer Fancy Food Show Booth Contest.

Exhibitors may enter one of the following four categories:

• First time exhibitor – Booth 20x20 feet or larger

• First time exhibitor – Booth smaller than 20x20 feet

• Design innovation – Booth 20x20 feet or larger

• Design innovation – Booth smaller than 20x20 feet

The Booth Contest is limited to 10 exhibitors per category, so enter today! The deadline to do so is June 21. 

First Time Exhibitor entrants will be judged on the following criteria:

• Design (40%)

• Branding (20%)

• Staff (40%)

Design Innovation entrants will be judged on:

• Design (80%)

• Branding (20%)

Each of the four (4) winners will receive:

• Trophy

• One  free application for the 2024 sofi Awards

• One free banner ad on the SFA website for three months

• Recognition in SFA News Daily

• Recognition on SFA social media and the SFA website

Related: SFA Announces 2023 sofi Award Winners; NEW NOW NEXT to Feature Startups, Incubator Products.