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Brazi Bites Launches Latino Entrepreneur Accelerator Program

Specialty Food Association

Brazi Bites, a maker of gluten-free Latin-inspired products, has launched its Latino Entrepreneur Accelerator Program in celebration of Latin Heritage Month, which starts today and runs through October 15.

Created by the CMO and co-founder of the company, Junea Rocha, the program will give businesses the chance to win 12 weeks of mentorship from Rocha directly, along with a team of experts and a $10,000 business grant. The mentorship will be tailored to the winner’s particular needs and will include one-on-one coaching, business objective setting, workshops, and business operations support.

The accelerator will target Hispanic business owners in the U.S., a population that has grown by 34 percent over the last 10 years, according to a Biz2Credit Study conducted last year. Despite the growth, Brazi Bites includes that these owners find it difficult to launch and grow their business, with lower approval rates for bank loans compared to white-owned companies.

“As a Latina founder, I know firsthand the challenges this community faces when it comes to getting a business off the ground, and our Accelerator Program is a step to support the incredible contributions that Latino business owners make in the U.S,” said Rocha. “This minority community is critical to the fabric of our culture and economy, and this program is intended to give entrepreneurs tailored support at the most critical time.”

Brazi Bites is accepting applications through October 28. In addition to the winner, three finalists will be awarded a profile feature on the company website in addition to exposure on various platforms.

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