Materials in cold storage must be removed during exhibitor move-in period. Materials not removed by 12:00 PM, Wednesday, July 2 will be considered abandoned.

  1. All cold and dry storage shipments will be subject to normal material handling charges. Please see Freeman for pricing

  2. Storage rate will be billed at a flat rate based on total cubic feet of material received requiring cold storage. (Storage rate is for entire show - not a daily rate)

  3. You must have an authorized company representative present at the time of delivery to your booth to inventory and sign for the items.

  4. Food that must be prepared by the Exhibit Hall Caterer should be addressed directly to the catering firm.

  5. Refrigerated/Frozen products are NOT accepted at the warehouse.

Access storage may be used for items that need to be accessed during the show. Examples include giveaways, extra machine parts, extra AV equipment, etc. Access storage is not empty storage, all orders for accessible storage must be placed on-site at the Freeman Service Center.

  1. Storage is for the entire show - no daily storage rate.

Storage rate includes all labor involved with pick up and deliveries.

Ship Directly to Show Site    Ship to Freeman Warehouse    Exhibitor Driven Vehicles & Hand Carry