Atoria's Family Bakery
New name! New logo! Same great bread. To celebrate our roots and how far we’ve come, we’re introducing our new brand Atoria’s Family Bakery (formerly known as California Lavash), named after our Grandmother, Atoria. Our flatbreads have always been the bread of Atoria’s home and her youth the bread of our family, celebrations and happy memories Flatbread leads the specialty bread conversion and healthy eaters looking for fresh bread with clean ingredients are driving sales. Flatbreads bread like Atoria’s Family Bakery Lavash, Pita and Naan are what these shoppers are looking for! Atoria’s Family Bakery’s flatbreads are crafted with care at a familyowned and operated bakery. As always, real bread, simple ingredients.
Rosette Eshoo
Owner & CEO -
Lilea Eshoo
Inanna Eshoo
Director of Foodservice Sales -
Beth Gordon
Bob Pallotta