Albanese Confectionery Group, Inc.
Albanese Confectionery is the leading manufacturer of the World’s Best Gummies located in the heart of the Midwest! Using only high quality ingredients found in the USA, the Gummi with the A on the tummy™ offers a softer chew with bursting flavor, and with sour gummies that start sour, and stay sour! With our 12 Flavor Gummi Bears®, you can have all your favorite flavors in one place! So, open a bag, and share in our passion.
Dan Leavitt
Adam Dill
Leslie Simonovski
Marketing Manager -
Armand LeCrone
Patrick Patterson
Jonee Riffle
William Thurner
Director of Sales & Marketing -
Bethany Albanese
Marketing Manager -
Amy Warner
Sales & Marketing -
Mary Haynes
Jean Killion