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Walmart Tests Autonomous Vehicle Delivery

Specialty Food Association

Walmart, in partnership with Ford Motor Co. and Argo AI, is launching autonomous vehicle delivery service in three cities. The service will begin in Miami, Washington D.C., and Austin, Texas, but there are plans to expand over time.

"We're excited to expand our autonomous delivery efforts in three new markets alongside Argo and Ford,” said Tom Ward, senior vice president of last mile delivery, Walmart U.S., in a statement. “This collaboration will further our mission to get products to the homes of our customers with unparalleled speed and ease, and in turn, will continue to pave the way for autonomous delivery."

The last-mile delivery service will use Ford self-driving test vehicles equipped with Argo AI’s technology.

“Our focus on the testing and development of self-driving technology that operates in urban areas where customer demand is high really comes to life with this collaboration,” said Bryan Salesky, founder and CEO, Argo AI, in a statement. “Working together with Walmart and Ford across three markets, we’re showing the potential for autonomous vehicle delivery services at scale.”

Related: Walmart, Meredith Corp. Offer Ecommerce ExperienceWalmart to Hire 20,000 Supply Chain Employees.

Image: Ford/Walmart
