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USDA to Spend $4 Billion to Strengthen Supply Chain

Specialty Food Association

The USDA plans to invest more than $4 billion to strengthen the critical supply chains through the Build Back Better initiative. The new effort will strengthen the food system, create new market opportunities, tackle the climate crisis, help communities that have been left behind, and support good-paying jobs throughout the supply chain. It also supports the Biden Administration’s broader work on strengthening the resilience of critical supply chains.

The initiative outlines four priorities: food production, food processing, food distribution and aggregation, and markets and consumers.

“The COVID-19 pandemic led to massive disruption for growers and food workers. It exposed a food system that was rigid, consolidated, and fragile. Meanwhile, those growing, processing and preparing our food are earning less each year in a system that rewards size over all else,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, in a statement. “The Build Back Better initiative will make meaningful investments to build a food system that is more resilient against shocks, delivers greater value to growers and workers, and offers consumers an affordable selection of healthy food produced and sourced locally and regionally by farmers and processors from diverse backgrounds. I am confident USDA’s investments will spur billions more in leveraged funding from the private sector and others as this initiative gains traction across the country. I look forward to getting to work as co-chair of the new Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force and help to mobilize a whole-of-government effort to address the short-term supply challenges our country faces as it recovers.”

Related: Biden Administration to Spend $1 Billion on Food SourcingUSDA Dedicates Additional Funds for Food Producers.
