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SFA Thanks Specialty Food Live! Platinum Sponsor

Specialty Food Association

The Specialty Food Association thanks Zipline Logistics, the platinum sponsor of its upcoming Specialty Food Live! virtual event that will connect specialty food makers and buyers, May 10-14.

Zipline Logistics specializes in providing logistics services for food and beverage brands, including:

• Access to carriers that are uniquely qualified to service your customers.

• Peace of mind when it comes to meeting FSMA transportation guidelines.

• Help meeting big-box store requirements

• 24/7 support from grocery and retail transportation experts

• Track and trace technology on all of your shipments.

As part of Specialty Food Live!, food makers will showcase their new and bestselling products in virtual showrooms and be available to interact with buyers on show days. Qualified, specialty food buyers will have the ability to discover the exact types of products they’re looking for and be matched with makers they may not have known about.