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SFA Podcast: Elevating Premiere Proteins With Village Gourmet's David Kemp

Specialty Food Association

After leading a platoon of 45 marines in combat at the age of 23, David Kemp was looking to leverage his Harvard Business School degree. He became partner in Les Trois Petits Cochons in 2015 and has increased sales by 25 percent per year since 2017.

In this Spill & Dish episode, Julie Gallagher, director of content development for SFA, talks with Kemp, SFA's 2023 Leadership Award Winner for Vision, about his road to success, the impact of inflation, and what's next for Village Gourmet.

Related: SFA Podcast: Makin' the Magic with Mike Noonan, Bitchin' SauceSFA Podcast: Bringing Fonio to the World Stage With Pierre Thiam, Yolélé
