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SFA Celebrates Leadership Award Winners

Specialty Food Association

The Specialty Food Association honored the 2023 Leadership Award winners, Monday, at the Winter Fancy Food Show.

David Kemp of Village Gourmet/Les Trois Petits Cochons accepted the Leadership Award for Vision. He thanked the SFA, colleagues, and the industry for helping mentor him during his seven years in the industry.

“The entire industry has been helpful,” he said. “I can’t think of a single time that I reached out for help and was ignored or brushed off and no one ever had any expectation of anything in return. It speaks to the Specialty Food Association and the industry.”

Luke Schneider of Fire Department Coffee accepted the Leadership Award for Citizenship. He shared that he was a fire fighter and his wife was a barista when they first met.

“We started roasting and brewing coffee together and I had a vision to create this company,” he said. “I’d like to thank the customers, my team, and my wife Kate Schneider.”

Mike Noonan of Bitchin’ Sauce accepted the Leadership Award for Sustainability. “In the specialty food industry food cost is really expensive and it’s something we need to keep an eye on,” he said. “I work with an organization where we focus on cost and controlling it. I feel like that’s why I won this award and I can’t thank you enough.”

The Outstanding Buyer award recipient was Dwight Richmond of Town & Country Markets whose family has a background in food.

“I was surprised, grateful, and humble to be recognized,” he said. “I give a lot of credit to my grandmother, Kathleen, who in a moment of doubt reminded me that what we do is an honorable profession.”

The Leadership Award for Emerging Leader was given to two recipients: David Schmunk of African Dream Foods and Dani Zuchovicki of The Hatchery.

“Thank you so much SFA, you get five stars for sure,” said Schmunk.

When receiving her award, Zuchovicki said: “I’m so thrilled to be here and honored to be in this moment. I’ve been obsessed with food and never would I think I’d find people so obsessed with it who’d nerd out with me on food. So thank you for being nerds beside me. I continue to be inspired with community especially with entrepreneurs this is a community of critical thinkers and innovators.”

Related: Industry Voices: 2023 Leadership Award Winners on Business HurdlesUnderhill Outlines 6 Factors That Shape Food Shopping
