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Scientists 3D Print Cheesecake

Specialty Food Association

Researchers with the department of mechanical engineering at Columbia University recently created a seven-ingredient slice of peanut butter-banana cheesecake using a 3D printer, reports CBS News. The results were published in the NPJ Science of Food journal.

To accomplish the task, each ingredient had to be converted into paste-like substances. Then they were loaded into a 3D printer then “printed out” in layers to produce the cheesecake. The researchers indicate that many processed foods can be printed this way.

The process reduces human contact with food, which the researchers indicate could help prevent the spread of foodborne illness. The technique could also help to control the nutrient content of the meal, as each component can be meticulously measured.

Similar printers already exist in the food space, like pizza and bread robots, pasta printers, and automatic cake decorators. This new process, however, can provide new cooking options with a wider range of applications. Full Story

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Image: NPJ Science of Food
