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Remote, Office Workers Grocery Shop Differently

Remote and hybrid workers are almost twice as likely as office workers to buy groceries online, according to Morning Consult’s 2023 State of Workers report that tracks post-pandemic eating and grocery habits.

Remote and hybrid workers use online grocery services differently than in-person workers: they are more likely to buy a bulk of their groceries online, rather than purchasing a few items, then supplementing the rest with in-store visits. Roughly 71 percent of remote workers and 66 percent of hybrid workers said they got all or most of their groceries online, compared with 44 percent of in-person workers.

Meal planning and grocery shopping apps are also more popular for remote and hybrid workers.

“The schedules of remote and hybrid workers will continue to have ramifications on food & beverage choices, from mealtimes to grocery shopping behaviors,” said Emily Moquin, food and beverage analyst at Morning Consult, in a story about the report. “Learning the ‘who’ behind worker profiles can help food & beverage brands more effectively tune messages and products as the landscape continues to shift.”

When it comes to eating behaviors, the report also found that breakfast and lunch habits differ dramatically by work type. Remote workers are more likely to eat breakfast daily than in-person workers. Among those who do eat breakfast, hybrid and in-person workers are more likely to eat it “on the go” or at work.

For lunch, both remote and in-person workers eat at a restaurant at roughly the same rate. Hybrid workers, however, are more likely to eat out. Full Story

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