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NYC Mayor Declares State of Emergency Over Baby Formula Shortage

Specialty Food Association

Due to the country-wide formula shortage, New York City Mayor Eric Adams declared a state of emergency, signing the executive order yesterday which will enable the NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to prevent any businesses from price-gouging baby formula, reports HuffPost.

“This emergency executive order will help us to crack down on any retailer looking to capitalize on this crisis by jacking up prices on this essential good,” said Adams in a press release. “Our message to struggling mothers and families is simple: Our city will do everything in its power to assist you during this challenging period.”

The order precipitated from a letter sent to Adams by the Women’s Caucus of NYC Council on May 17, which advocated for gender equality in New York. To mitigate the burden on mothers dependent on baby formula to feed their children, they sought for Adams to use his power to improve the situation.

Almost 40 percent of baby formulas were sold out at large retailers in April. Possible reasons for this crisis are the result of the pandemic, recent recalls from Abbott Nutrition, and stringent laws preventing the domestic purchase of the product from overseas. The House of Representatives recently passed a bill to provide the FDA with $28 million in emergency funding to swiftly address the shortage. Full Story

Related: Emergency Bill to Address Formula Shortage; Abbott Nutrition to Resume Baby Formula Production
