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Now Available: Summer Fancy Food Show Maker Space Package

Specialty Food Association

Attention specialty food makers: If you missed out on Maker Space sessions at the Summer Fancy Food Show, you can purchase and view the content on-demand. The cost is $99 for members and $199 for non-members. This package includes all recordings and slides for the sessions listed below:

The New Rules for Leveraging Contract Manufacturing Relationships with Carl Melville of The Melville Group

Marketing in an Ever-Changing World: How to Keep Your Brand Relevant with Ted Ning
of Forum for Naturals, Cathryn Olchowy of Joyfull Bakery, and Adam Brown of Sircle Media

New Models for Sales and Distribution with Ian Kelleher, Professional Entrepreneur

Brand Studio with Taja Dockendorf of Pulp + Wire and Victoria Ho of SherpaCPG

Purchase this content today. Questions can be directed to [email protected].




