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Members in the News: King Arthur Flour, Peanut Butter & Co., Lotus Foods

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Specialty Food Association members have recently been featured in news outlets for their celebration of Pride Month, the onset of summer, and other contributions to the industry. Rind by Dina & Joshua, Explorer Cold Brew, Cowgirl Creamery, Peanut Butter & Co., Rogue Creamery, Sauz, King Arthur Flour, and Lotus Foods are among the highlighted companies.

Food Network platformed LGBTQIA+ led specialty food companies in a story about how consumers can show support and allyship to these communities during Pride Month. Rind by Dina and Joshua, Explorer Cold Brew, Cowgirl Creamery, Peanut Butter & Co., Rogue Creamery were among the SFA member companies on the list.

“While you may be tempted to show your support during Pride Month by purchasing a plethora of rainbow-themed food and drinks, a better way to show your support is by shopping specific brands,” according to the report.

Pure Wow curated a list of new foods and drinks that are likely to be a hit this summer. Sauz, King Arthur Flour, and Explorer Cold Brew all made the list.

Sauz’s Hot Honey Marinara plays into the “swicy” trend with a combination of sweet and spicy flavors, said the news source. King Arthur Flour’s Regeneratively Grown Climate Blend Flour took Pure Wow’s attention because of its distinct flavor and eco-friendly sourcing methods. The latest Cold Brew and Flavor Bundle from Explorer Cold Brew was lauded for its refreshing flavor and the consumer’s ability to select their own caffeine level.

Vitamin Retailer recently profiled Lotus Foods co-founders, Kenneth Lee and Caryl Levine. They discussed the brand’s Forbidden Rice product and its health benefits. Additionally, Levine discussed how the company endeavors to empower women.

“Women are the backbone of our global food system. Most food around the world is still being produced on small family farms, with women providing the lion’s share of labor, said Levine. With the System of Rice Intensification regeneratively grown rice practice that produces the brand’s forbidden rice, “women have many fewer and lighter seedlings to plant, and they use a simple weeder that they push through the rows of rice in an upright, not bent-over, posture. So, they can get the work in the fields done faster and with less impact on their bodies.”