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McDonald's Develops Standards to Combat Harassment, Discrimination

Specialty Food Association

McDonald’s has developed new global brand standards which aim to further a culture of physical and psychological safety for employees and customers through the prevention of violence, harassment, and discrimination, according to the company. 

The new standards prioritize actions in four areas: harassment, discrimination, and retaliation prevention; workplace violence prevention; restaurant employee feedback; and health and safety. These standards were informed by a cross-functional global team, reviews of global market practices, and perspectives from across the McDonald’s system.

All 39,000 McDonald’s restaurants, both company-owned and franchisee locations, in more than 100 countries, will be required to adhere to these standards.

“There are no short cuts to ensuring that people feel safe, respected, and included at a McDonald’s restaurant. This work starts by taking big, intentional moves,” said McDonald’s president and CEO Chris Kempczinski, in a statement. “Our new global brand standards reinforce our commitment to living our values such that at every interaction, everyone is welcome, comfortable and safe.”

Beginning in January 2022, restaurants will be assessed and held accountable in accordance with the applicable McDonald’s market’s business evaluation processes. This timeline allows each market to implement the brand standards in the way that is most effective.

“As employers, we have an important role to play in setting the bar high for a values-led, safe and inclusive working environment,” said Mark Salebra, chairman of the U.S. National Franchisee Leadership Alliance and McDonald’s franchise owner, in a statement. “Our franchise community is committed to adhering to the standards and model what it means to support our employees in doing what we do best—serving our customers and communities with integrity and respect.”

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Image: McDonald's