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Grocery Vets Launch Indie Food Agency

Specialty Food Association

Premier Sales Solutions, Maher Marketing, Frontier Food Brokerage, and MPF Sales and Marketing teams have announced that they are joining to create Epic Sales Partners. The companies bring more than 35 years of industry experience to the agency.

"Epic Sales Partners exists to help food retailers and manufacturers improve their go-to-market strategies," said David Huddle, president for Epic (Central), in a statement. “We provide an intense focus on fresh food with integrated and impactful selling and retail solutions across multiple regions of the United States.”

The newly formed company is now the country’s largest independent, commonly owned and managed food sales agent.

Epic Sales Partners is working with the top grocery retailers and manufacturers to rethink fresh food and to listen to customer needs, according to a statement by the company.

"We work with the biggest and best grocery retailers and manufacturers. They trust us to bring the products and the expertise on how to drive distribution, enhance competitiveness, and increase retail sales," said Mark Wilhelm, President of Epic (West), in a statement.

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