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Full Circle Home, Farmbox Direct Tackle Food Waste

Specialty Food Association

Sustainable home care brand Full Circle Home has partnered with Farmbox Direct, a fresh produce delivery and subscription company, to raise awareness of the impact of food waste and educate consumers on the best methods to prevent it.

In the United States, it is estimated that nearly 40 percent of food goes to waste, using up to 21 percent of freshwater, 19 percent of fertilizer, 18 percent of cropland, and 21 percent of landfill volume. Beyond the loss of valuable resources, food waste contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, food is the single largest category of material placed in municipal landfills, where it produces methane, one of the most powerful greenhouse gases.

"The severity of the food waste problem our country is facing is clear in the numbers and is quite shocking to believe," says Ashley Tyrner, Farmbox Direct CEO, in a statement. "Most people don't think of the aftermath from tossing what may seem like just food scraps or just one unwanted meal, but it directly affects the planet in terms of our water, landfill, and soil."

The campaign will share ideas on how to reduce food waste including proper food prep, meal planning, using what you have, storing food properly, and opting for composting instead of landfill disposal.

"The key to combating food waste is to make simple changes to the way we live our lives each and every day," said CEO and co-founder of Full Circle Home, Tal Chitayat, in a statement. "We're thrilled to partner with Farmbox Direct to encourage our audiences to make small changes that lead to a big impact."

The partnership started Monday and runs through May 9.

Related: Marcus Samuelsson Leads Effort to Promote Reduction of Food WasteKroger Expands Recycling Program.

Image: Full Circle Home/Farmbox Direct
