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Specialities Inc. is pleased to announce the appointment of Kevin Whitten to Vice President of Sales.

Specialities Inc. is pleased to announce the appointment of Kevin Whitten to Vice President of Sales.

January 2024 -- Kevin has over 30 years’ experience in value-added Deli category perishables and multiple channel management and most recently served Specialities, Inc as our National Sales Manager. Kevin’s skill set represents a tremendous resource for helping our company regional team grow their business and continue to help retailers and specialty distributors in further developing a timely, market driven, and successful product offering.

Kevin’s experience portfolio includes business sales and development in alternative channels, specialty retail sales management on the national level, regional distribution center management, and several years in department category/sales management at the retail level in multiple departments.

“Kevin is the seasoned professional and his experience, sales focus, work ethic, and trade/channel credibility will greatly help us expand our existing partnerships and certainly develop new ones with our customers to grow our product portfolio and help our customers differentiate themselves from their competitors.