*Anniversary Pricing on Surryano Ham*
*New “Iberico Surryano” Release*
Surry, Va. (May 2021) – Since 1926, Edwards Virginia Smokehouse has been crafting the finest traditional dry cured, hickory smoked, long aged country hams, bacon, and sausage for the chefs and retailers across the county. Using family recipes and methods dating back to the original Jamestown Settlement, the company is currently led by third generation President and Cure Master Sam W. Edwards III. Said Edwards, “It’s a true honor to carry on the family legacy, and we’re proud of continuing the history and heritage of what we do here at the smokehouse”.
In celebration of their hallmark anniversary, Edwards will be offering special pricing to all Wholesale Customers on their flagship Surryano Ham. “The goal is not just to say thank you to our loyal fans, but also to help provide some relief to the restaurant, specialty retail, and small farmer community which has faced an incredibly challenging year due to the Covid crisis”, said Edwards. This 5-Time Good Food Award Winning icon in the charcuterie world is crafted using certified humane, pasture raised, heritage breed hogs and aged a minimum of 400 days.
Edwards and his team have also just released an exciting new item to the market using Iberico Hogs raised in Texas, which graze in open fields on sweet mesquite beans, acorns, and prickly pear fruit. Three years in the making, this project combines the best of historical Virginia curing methods with the highest quality pork available. The “Iberico Surryano” is available as Hoof-On, Whole Boneless, and Pre-Sliced Retail Packs.
For more information, contact the Edwards Team at:
Edwards Virginia Smokehouse
1-800-200-4267 (HAMS)
Media Contacts:
Sam W. Edwards III, President & Cure Master - sedwards@edwardsvaham.com
Keith Roberts, National Wholesale Sales Manager – kroberts@edwardsvaham.com
Emily Wile, Sprouthouse Media - emily@sprouthouseagency.com