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Specialty Food Association

Thousands of years in the making, the savory delicious Miso food, granted annual day of acknowledgment


SEPTEMBER 18th, 2021 marks the first Miso Day Celebration; a day of recognition for the treasured Miso – an ancient, tastebud enticing International food product made from salted, fermented grains and beans. Miso paste is acclaimed for its powerful, umami flavor addition to recipes, most notably Miso Soup and Ramen.  And there is much more to Miso than soup …….

“Think Outside the Bowl”:

Calling all Foodies, Grocers, Manufacturers, Chefs, Restaurants, Nutritionists, and Food Enthusiasts from all around the globe - you are invited to join in the Miso Day Celebration (three E’s) campaign to Educate, Engage, and Enlighten the worldwide community about the versatility and everyday use of miso as an incredibly flavorful and wholesome ingredient.


- What is miso?  How is it made? Where did it originate?

- Share creative uses in sauces, spreads, dressings, glazes, seasonings, & more

- Abundant benefits of Miso as a traditional food for wellbeing


- Special promotions, coupons, incentives to encourage consumers to try miso.

- Sampling and demoing

- Encourage customers to post their Miso meals on social media


- Go big with Miso curated dishes, calling out the usage in the dish!

- Share refined and creative recipes via email newsletters and social media

- Miso Happy Hour – feature a Miso cocktail and appetizer (Martini, glazed nuts)

On Sept. 18th, we will all unite in Miso harmony to spread awareness centered around the versatility and everyday use of this sacred food that has an incredible flavor profile!