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Americans Prefer Thanksgiving Sides to Turkey

More than half of Americans (51 percent) would prefer Thanksgiving without turkey than forego the side dishes, according to a holiday report from online grocer and Target subsidiary Shipt.

Findings also suggest that the average American serves five side dishes during the Thanksgiving meal, with 16 percent indicating they serve seven or more. One staple that’s consistently included is stuffing.

When preparing for the meal, Americans often make frequent trips to the grocery store.

"We learned through our survey that over half of Americans make three or more trips to the grocery store to prepare for Thanksgiving," said Alia Kemet, CMO at Shipt, in a statement.

Additional findings from the report include:

• Over half of Gen Z (58 percent) and Millennials (51 percent) are far more likely to choose sides over turkey, compared to Boomers (43 percent).

• When going in for seconds, two-thirds of Americans are getting sides (66 percent) rather than the turkey, including an overwhelming majority of Gen Z (76 percent), and women (73 percent).

• More than half of Americans (57 percent) would rather a guest show up empty-handed than with a side dish that nobody likes.

• America's most beloved side dishes in rank order are stuffing, mashed potatoes, and mac and cheese.

Shipt also shared its commitment to addressing food insecurity this Thanksgiving season by donating 125,000 meals to New Yorkers in need through Food Bank For New York City.

Related: Natural Grocers Takes Specialty Turkey Preorders; Shipt Lays Off Workers
