Globetrotter Granola

Bursting with exotic spice blends, Globetrotter Granola is a savory and sweet snack that jets your taste buds away on a global adventure.
334 East Bay Street #165
Charleston, South Carolina
United States

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Booth: 4009

Bursting with exotic spice blends, Globetrotter Granola is a savory and sweet snack that jets your taste buds away on a global adventure. Whether you’re sprinkling it on your yogurt, ice cream, or salad – or munching on it straight from the bag, Globetrotter Granola is your passport to a world of flavor! Crafted in Charleston, SC, Globetrotter Granola uses primarily organic ingredients. It is vegan, gluten-free, refined sugar-free, and seed oil-free.


  • Dara Rosenfeld