From a small town near Salerno, to the States. The first generation of Tostini Caffè started about twenty years ago, from two passionate siblings. Max and Desirèe have decided to accept the challenge and turn their passion for coffee into a real business, even more, a brand recognized and appreciated worldwide. Hard work, knowledge and commitment led this small roasting company to success. This family has proved that Italian coffee has still new, exciting chapters of history to write! We carefully select the green coffee beans from three different continents. Each kind of coffee has its own perfect roast, designed to emphasize all the different flavors. Then, Max, a real former chef, creates our blends, for a real tasting experience. Our production system ha traditional artisanal features, but with the rapidity and efficiency of industrial mechanization. The packaging is specially designed to keep our coffee always fresh and safe.
200 Gates Road , Unit F
Little Ferry, New Jersey
United States

This business is at least 51% owned, controlled, and actively managed by:

  • Woman/Women


  • Desiree Tostini

    Sales Manager
  • Desiree Tostini

    Sales Manager