We import the best quality Extra Virgin Argan Oil we respectfully source from Morocco where we have established great relations with the Argan Community. Wild harvested in the Argan BioReservoir around Taroudant, where the terroir is hilly, the argan trees have to root deep; sun and winds have positive effects on the quality of the argan fruits. Cracked by hand, the kernels are selected for artisan roasting by our ‘maître torréfacteur’. He sets and monitors temperature and time to perfection. After quality control, small batches are cold pressed produced, with a rigid filtration process to provide top quality oil. Tests on chemical composition acidity, texture, and taste ensures only the best quality is released for bottling into colored bottles. USDA 100% organic certified.
7337 Austin St Apt 8Ad
Forest Hills, New York
United States



    editor / content writer
  • Kristen Lasorsa

    Director of Operations
  • patricia reinders
