Cornhusker Kitchen llc

our product is produced at a GFSI inspected facility in the midwest. The production is state of the art in the rendering of animal fats. Our product is the only duck fat cooking spray in the world and is so much more than a pan release.Our Process uses no propellants,glycol or lethesens to project our product .We use only clean compressed air.Its wonderful for roasting veggies,sauteing seafood or fresh fish,searing steaks and other proteins as well as a all natural pan release that imparts only a savory flavor. Our product cannot be produced at a typical aerosol co packer due to the fact it is a animal fat and falls under USDA certifications. Our focus is grocery retail at this time with remarkable results when cross merchandised in meat departments.
16905 Orchard Ave
Omaha, Nebraska
United States


  • Valerie Cohen

  • Dennis Schuett

  • Doug Lemberg