Caseifici Granterre SPA

With two production plants in Northern Italy, Parmareggio is the reference company for the Parmigiano Reggiano market. Moreover, Parmareggio is one of the main butter producers in Italy with prestigious cream coming from the dairies that produce Parmigiano Reggiano PDO. The GranterreParmareggio Group is the world’s largest dairy and creamery enterprise specializing in the production and distribution of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. Parmareggio S.p.A. is the business that handles production and sale, and is responsible for farming and livestock management as well as the production of milk, cream and cheese. Thanks to the Granterre Group, Parmareggio is able to supply a carefully selected and top quality from a Parmigiano Reggiano supply chain that is under total control.
Via Polonia 30-33


  • Caseifici Granterre SpA

  • Massimiliano Masini

    Marketing Manager
  • Paolo Ganzerli

    Export Director