Secret Aardvark Trading Co, LLC

Secret Aardvark has built a reputation for high quality and strong value in a product filled with a unique flavor. We service our customers and partners just as if they were a part of the family and that is our unique approach to marketing our products. You are not just a distributor; not just a consumer; you are special to us you are family. Our products have won a number of awards and received great press! We believe this is because we focus on flavor, quality ingredients, and fun! We hate boring food!
15377 South Maplelane Road
Oregon City, Oregon
United States

This business is at least 51% owned, controlled, and actively managed by:

  • Woman/Women

This business has the following business certifications:

  • Small Business Administration (SBA)


  • Fiona Kennedy

  • Stacy Moritz

  • Katie Osborne

  • Kip Lindig

    Brand Ambassador
  • Karla Lancaster

    Project Manager
  • Stacy Moritz
