University of Maine Cooperative Extension

UMaine Extension is your doorway to University of Maine expertise. For more than 100 years, we’ve been putting university research to work in homes, businesses, farms, and communities—in every corner of Maine. Our educational efforts focus on the Maine Food System, Positive Youth Development, and Community and Economic Development. We are part of the nationwide Cooperative Extension System, which works through the land-grant universities in each U.S. state. Maine’s land-grant university is in Orono at The University of Maine. In addition to our state offices in Orono, we have a network of county-based offices staffed by experts who provide practical, locally based solutions for farmers, small business owners, kids, parents, consumers, and others. We receive federal support through USDA, state support through the University of Maine, and local support through Maine county governments.
102 Libby Hall University of Maine
Orono, Maine
United States


  • James McConnon

    Professor Emeritus of Economics
  • Jason Bolton

    Extension Professor
  • Louis Bassano

    Emeritus Professor of Cooperative Extension
  • Beth Calder

    Extension Professor of Food Science and Food Science Specialist
  • Tori Jackson

    Extension Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • Robson Machado

    Assistant Extension Professor and Food Scientist
  • Melissa Babcock