bNutty Peanut Butter

Our peanut butter is made using a freshly ground honey roasted peanut as opposed to the common lightly salted blanched peanut of past. We then have created various palate pleasing flavors using chocolates, berries, oats, honey and even marshmallows and pretzels! Packed with the protein found in the peanuts and lightly sweetened with a few chocolates or honey our snack is likened to eating a candy bar in a jar without the guilt and calories! We have 2oz for on the go, 8oz and 12oz sizes. We sell online and in various regional storefronts. Most unique, is our fundraising branch aimed at supporting children in their pursuit of happiness-sports, mission trips, you name it!
6370 Ameriplex Drive Suite 102
Portage, Indiana
United States


  • Joy Thompkins

  • Carol Podolak

    B.Nutty, LLC
  • Edwin Rosado

  • Amy Parker

    Export Director