Olives From Spain

Mission to spread the knowledge of the healthy benefits and versatility that Olive From Spain has. Vision to implement promotional activates in the countries in order to spread the knowledge about Olives From Spain. Interaceituna is the Inter-Professional Table Olive Organization recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Created to implement different general interest programs and activities, Interaceituna promotes knowledge of the Spanish table olive and conducts research and development in order to identify improvements in the product and in the production techniques. According to the International Olive Council (IOC), Spain ranks as number one in the world for olive cultivation with other Mediterranean countries lagging further behind. Across the last six seasons, the world average of olive production weighed in at 2,371,000 tons – 25 percent of that production came from Spain. In 2012, Spain accounted for 39% of the world’s olive trade, mainly exporting to the USA, Italy, Russia, France and Germany. (Source: ASEMESA, table olive exporters and industrials association).
Meson Del Moro Street,. Number 1


  • Gabriela Fernandez

    Account Manager
  • Ricardo Rivera

  • Marta Liébana

    Business Manager
  • Shannon Dowling

  • Rebeca Gallego

  • Jorge Mateo-Sagasta