Fruit Bliss

Fruit Bliss is dried fruit reinvented! deliciously juicy, whole fruit that is sun dried and infused with water. We believe that the very best fruits come from their country of origin. The soil, the climate, the knowledge that the farmers have is evident in every piece of lusciously ripe fruit. We searched for the very best regions, producing the very best organic varieties of the fruits that we offer. Apricots, dates, figs and plums are all seasonal fruits that are picked fresh for Fruit Bliss.
1007 Sheffield Ave
Brooklyn, New York
United States

This business is at least 51% owned, controlled, and actively managed by:

  • Woman/Women


  • Margaret McGuire

  • Irene Boland

  • Isak Bengiyat

  • Susan Leone

  • Rachel Justice

    National Sales Manager
  • Alp Saul

    Warehouse Manager
  • Korin Levi
