Bobbysue's Nuts! LLC

BobbySue’s Nuts (BSN) was born from a generationsold family recipe for irresistible spiced nuts and is fueled by a passion for helping homeless animals. The company takes pride in offering delicious, healthy, premium nut blends in innovative flavors that are NonGMO, Kosher and gluten free. BSN is honored to have received the 2017 Gold and Silver sofi Awards in the ultracompetitive Savory Snack Category for Everything Goes Nuts (Gold) and Nuts Over Olives (Silver)...Yum!
65 North Bedford Rd
Chappaqua, New York
United States

This business is at least 51% owned, controlled, and actively managed by:

  • Woman/Women


  • Greg Yahn

    Managing Partner
  • Adam Kobren

  • Deborah Mehne

  • Barb Kobren

  • Laurie Gandal
