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Specialty Food Makers 'Stock' SFA's Infinite Aisle

Specialty Food Association

The Specialty Food Association’s Infinite Aisle transactional marketplace has expanded nearly 400 percent in maker participation since its launch earlier this year.

Powered by Specialty Food Partners, which facilitates the platform, the free member benefit was part of several digital initiatives implemented by the SFA to support its members and the growth of the $170.4 billion specialty food industry.  

When a retail buyer purchases maker products through a distributor on Infinite Aisle, the products are shipped directly from the maker to the retailer at no cost to the maker. Because distributors don’t have to warehouse these items, there’s no limit to how many Infinite Aisle products they can offer to their retail customers.

“Infinite Aisle will enable DPI to explore and purchase products both inside and outside of the event environment, year-round, 24/7,” said Beth Haley, vice president of sales and marketing at DPI Specialty Foods. “We look forward to utilizing Infinite Aisle during Fancy Food Show 2021 + Fancy Food 24/7.”

In addition to DPI Specialty Foods, distributors Associated Wholesale Grocers (AWG), Chex Finer Foods, C&S Davidson, MDI, and Associated Grocers of Baton Rouge have signed on with Infinite Aisle. Together, along with a number of other large distributors being set up on the platform, they will soon provide SFA maker members access to more than 20,000 retailers. Additionally, Sysco’s Supplies on the Fly unit will offer Infinite Aisle products to all Sysco customers.

“The advent of Infinite Aisle, especially during such an unpredictable time, has really been a bright spot for our members,” said Bill Lynch, president, SFA. “Facilitating connections and creating opportunities in the specialty food industry is part of our mission, so this tremendous growth in the program tells us we are on the right path.”

Related: SFA Infinite Aisle Open to Member Makers, Distributors; AWG Joins List of Distributors Offering Infinite Aisle.