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SFA Webinar Preview: Selling to Convenience Stores

Convenience stores can be a powerful channel for specialty food makers. During tomorrow's SFA In the Know webinar, “Channel Strategy: Selling to Convenience Stores” Michael Sears, VP of sales at S&S Food Broker will explain what convenience buyers are looking for in a product, how to decide if the channel is a good fit for your product type, and how to take the first steps to sell in the channel.

The webinar takes place tomorrow at 1 p.m. EST and is free for members and $19 for non members. Register now.

SFA News Daily spoke with Sears about his presentation.

How does selling to convenience stores differ from other channels?

It differs from other channels in that convenience stores prioritize convenience, accessibility, and speed. Products that can easily be consumed on the go and have a longer shelf life are preferred. Convenience stores also have limited space, so the packaging needs to be eye-catching and use space efficiently.

What specialty items typically sell well at convenience stores?

Snack items, beverages, grab-and-go meals, and single-serve packages sell well. Consumers often seek familiar brands or products with unique flavors or packaging.

What mistakes do you see specialty food producers make when trying to sell to convenience buyers?

The most common mistake specialty food producers make is not understanding the convenience store consumer and not adapting their products accordingly. For example, producing products that require preparation or have a short shelf life can be challenging for the channel.

Do you have any advice for specialty food makers looking to get shelved in convenience stores?

They should first research the store's target audience and product offerings. It's essential to understand the store's product mix and pricing strategy, develop eye-catching and efficient package, and be prepared to offer competitive pricing.

What would you like attendees to get out of the session?

Attendees will better understand the unique challenges and opportunities in selling specialty foods to convenience stores. They will also learn about the best practices for developing products, packaging, and pricing strategies tailored to convenience stores' needs. Finally, attendees will learn actionable steps to sell their specialty food products to convenience stores.

Related: Video: Researcher David Lockwood Shares How Specialty Consumers Buy; Shrinking Population, Big Competitors Threaten Local Grocers