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SFA Webinar: Developing Strong KPIs

In order to give businesses a clear path to success, careful consideration of their progress is necessary. Key performance indicators help leverage data to improve processes in every area of a company.

During SFA’s In the Know webinar, “Key Performance Indicators: Developing Measures That Drive Results,” Liz Myslik of growth investor Loft Growth Partners and Dave Hirschkop, previous owner of Dave’s Gourmet, will explain how to develop strong KPIs. During the conversation, they will address what data is important to consider, how to find it, and use it to improve business functions.

The webinar will take place tomorrow, August 17, at 1 p.m. EDT. It is free for members and $19 for non-members. Register now.

Related: Developing KPIs: Q&A With Industry ExpertsVideo: Patrick Ford, Bone Suckin' Sauce Shares Growth Strategy