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SFA Hosts Winter Fancy Food Show Booth Contest

Specialty Food Association

The Specialty Food Association is hosting a Winter Fancy Food Show Booth Contest for Show exhibitors. In order to participate, exhibitors must enter by Friday, December, 16. 

Judging will be based on:

• Design (40 percent), including visual elements, flow of exhibit space, creative use of booth space and overall appeal.

• Branding (20 percent), including clear messaging in support of products and/or brands, creative integration of booth graphics, and promotional materials.

• Staff (40 percent), including attendee engagement, accessibility, and professional appearance.

Judges will make unannounced visits to participating booths during Show hours.

The exhibitor with the winning booth will recieve a trophy, three free applications for the 2023 sofi Awards, a quarter-pages ad in the Summer 2023 issue of Specialty Food magazine, an interview published on the SFA Feed app and in SFA News Daily, and recognition on SFA social media and website.

Related: Industry Voices: Spill & DIsh Makers Share Experiences; (included) Pavilion to Make Winter Fancy Food Show Debut.