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Peanut Butter & Co. Supports Food-Insecure LGBTQ Communities

Specialty Food Association

Peanut Butter & Co. is donating 36,000 pounds or one million spoonsfuls of peanut butter to food banks in more than 12 cities to support food-insecure LGBTQ communities across the country.

Founder and CEO Lee Zalben was inspired to create the One Million Spoonfuls campaign after reading a 2020 study by UCLA’s Williams Institute which found that food insecurity among LGBTQ people is twice as high as the national average. A conversation with Bianca Wilson, the author of the Williams Institute study, helped guide the strategy to ensure Peanut Butter & Co.’s resources are being used effectively.

“LGBTQ people seeking access to food are largely using the existing network of public food banks, so we are donating to a combination of larger food banks serving the general public as well as smaller pantries that focus on the LGBTQ communities,” said Zalben, in a statement. “The peanut butter we’re donating is for all people, regardless of how they identify, and we’re prioritizing larger food banks that have a proven track record of working with the LGBTQ community. We hope One Million Spoonfuls inspires other brands and companies to take action and provide assistance wherever they’re able.”

Starting in New York City, where the company is based, Peanut Butter & Co. will donate peanut butter to the Food Bank For New York City and Sylvia Rivera Food Pantry. To further support these food banks, Peanut Butter & Co. will partner with Orwashers Bakery, allowing customers to support food banks by purchasing a delicious, limited-run “Peanut Butter Dream Bar.” Orwashers makes the unique treat with Peanut Butter & Co.’s product and will donate one dollar from each bar sold to the Food Bank For New York City.

Peanut Butter & Co. will continue its journey across the United States, sending peanut butter to several food banks over the next year.

Related: Peanut Butter & Co. Receives Plastic Neutral Brand CertificationBuyers' Picks: Diverse Food Brands.

Image: Peanut Butter & Co.