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Meijer Announces Renewable Solar Project

Specialty Food Association

Meijer has announced its involvement in a utility-scale solar project that will make significant strides toward its recently announced carbon reduction goal.

The retailer signed a renewable energy power purchase agreement with developer Duke Energy Sustainable Solutions, which states Meijer will purchase a portion of all energy generated by the project for the first 15 years of operation. The project broke ground in Navarro County, Texas on 1,800 acres of land and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

"At Meijer, we are motivated to make an impact in the local communities we serve, and beyond, by doing our part and taking the necessary steps to reduce carbon emissions," Meijer President & CEO Rick Keyes said in a statement. "Meijer has made significant progress over the years to integrate sustainability into our daily operations. We're committed to these ongoing efforts and a project like this brings us closer to our industry leading sustainability goals."

Each year, the Pisgah Ridge Solar project will generate approximately 200,000 megawatt hours of energy for the first year dedicated to Meijer. This clean energy will account for a reduction of more than 103,000 metric tons of CO2e from the retailer's operations – equal to the amount of greenhouse gas emissions involved with removing more than 20,000 vehicles from the road, or the carbon sequestered from 125,000 acres of U.S. forests.

"Renewable energy assets like the Pisgah Ridge Solar project contribute to a cleaner, stronger economy and help create a more diverse energy infrastructure. We're pleased to be working with Meijer to create jobs, strengthen the local economy and generate cleaner energy, while also helping them address their carbon reduction goal," said Chris Fallon, President of Duke Energy Sustainable Solutions, in a statement.

This announcement comes on the heels of the recent commitment from Meijer to reduce 50 percent of its absolute carbon emissions by 2025. The renewable solar project with Duke Energy Sustainable Solutions is the first of multiple strategic partnerships that Meijer will form to achieve its carbon reduction goal, which is rooted in the company's mission to be a good neighbor by serving its communities, as well as protecting the planet for tomorrow. 

Related: Target Sets New Sustainability Goals; Simplify Messaging Around Sustainability: Panelists.