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Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese Wins World Dairy Expo Contest

Specialty Food Association

Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese’s Chocolate Mascarpone placed first in its category and was named the Cheese and Butter Grand Champion for the 2021 World Dairy Expo Championship Dairy Product contest, sponsored by the Wisconsin Dairy Products Association. The product was chosen from over 1,400 entries.

"We are so honored to receive this prestigious award. Our chocolate mascarpone has become a favorite among our consumers and has received top awards in other contests," said Crave Brothers' founder George Crave, in a statement.

The Grand Champion Chocolate Mascarpone will be auctioned off at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, September 28.

Related: Cheese Focus: Spain, Off the Beaten PathVirtual Tastings Take Hold in the Cheese World.

Image: Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese
