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Amazon's Just Walk Out Debuts at University

Specialty Food Association

Amazon and Marymount University have implemented Just Walk Out technology in an on-campus convenience store that opened Friday, reports Marymount University.

“Becoming the first university in the U.S. to collaborate with Amazon in incorporating its Just Walk Out technology at an on-campus convenience shop demonstrates how Marymount is leading the way in fostering an innovative and exciting student experience that appeals to the tech-savvy college students of today,” said Dr. Irma Becerra, president of Marymount University.

Just Walk Out allows the customer to enter the Saints 24 store using a credit card at the entry gate. Cameras and sensors detect what the shopper takes from the store, creating a virtual shopping cart that automatically checks out as the shopper leaves with the items. The technology is designed to remove checkout lines.

“Marymount is committed to providing students with new and exciting on-campus experiences that cater to their needs, and we’re proud to collaborate on their first checkout-free store,” said Dilip Kumar, VP of AWS Applications. Full Story

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