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5 Food Trends From FreshDirect

Specialty Food Association

Online grocer FreshDirect’s in-house team of food experts have released the following 5 trends for 2022.

1. Fresh Produce – The retailer prognosticates that 2022 will bring increased interest in health and immunity boosting produce, such as ginger, turmeric, citrus, and berries. Customers have ordered an increased number of perishable items online in the past year and are expected to continue to do so in 2022, according to FreshDirect.

2. Plant-Based Sustainability – “Our customer data shows that folks are serving more plant-based meals, pushing mushrooms to a trendy forefront as a hearty center-plate option,” according to FreshDirect. “With more of a spotlight on sustainability and climate impact than ever before, customers are turning to items that cover less mileage on the journey to their plates such as leafy greens, tomatoes, and sprouts from hyperlocal urban farms. We also see the plant-based product and culinary options showing up across the store in areas that just a few years ago were not even considered an option, such as ice cream, sausage and yogurts.”

3. Fortune Flavors the Bold – Bold flavor continues to drive consumer trends. Tahini is turning up in everything from salad dressings and marinades to ice creams, cookies, and snacks. With a high protein content, it is now being introduced as a base for plant-based milk, noted the retailer.

4. Waste Not, Want Not – Consumers are increasingly interested in buying from companies with low waste statistics, as they become more aware of the environmental impact human behavior has upon the planet. Business sustainability will be at the forefront of consumer expectation. “One great way to reduce waste is by upcycling food; FreshDirect offers shoppers two upcycled brands, Renewal Mill and The Spare Food Co. Additionally, FreshDirect’s food waste is half of a conventional grocery store (about 5%) and a third of a fresh-focused grocer (about 6%),” according to FreshDirect.

5. Mindful Drinking – The non-alcohol and low alcohol beverage options will get a fair share of the spotlight in 2022, noted the retailer. This trend will mainly be driven by consumers’ interest in overall wellness and increasing interest in moderating their consumption. “The quality of alcohol alternatives increases year after year, making it easy for consumers to enjoy these options without compromising on taste or flavor,” FreshDirect said.

Related: Q&A With Upcycled Food Association's Graham; Immunity is a New Buzzword in Food.