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Matt Beeson’s Swamp Dragon Liquor Hot Sauce Awarded U.S. Patent

Matt Beeson’s Swamp Dragon Liquor Hot Sauce Awarded U.S. Patent

BATON ROUGE - August 28, 2023    

            Over 150 years ago a Louisianan invented hot sauce, and just a few years ago another Louisianan reinvented it. Matt Beeson, owner of Swamp Dragon, L.L.C. successfully patented his novel liquor hot sauce (US Patent 11717011). Food patents are very rare, and often mark transformative or disruptive products. In issuing the patent, The United States Patent and Trademark Office recognizes the novelty of liquor hot sauce formulations, and records the advantages of enhanced shelf life and color stability. The most important consideration, of course, is flavor, and this patent marks the beginning of flavor combinations and recipe creation that were unavailable prior.

            “I almost can’t believe it. The process was so tough, and it felt hopeless many times over. My patent attorney, John Edel, was taken aback at times. The patent certainly sets us apart (even more) in the market. Hopefully the enhanced risk mitigation encourages investment,” says Beeson. “I started the company with no financial resources, risky as that is, because I just could not sit on the product concept. So investment really means life for Swamp Dragon. Here’s to hope!”

            Liquor hot sauces feature a more complex and completely novel flavor profile.[1] Pepper flavors and aromas, long overpowered by an unavoidable vinegar preservative, can finally be experienced and enjoyed. The purchase intent recorded in a multi-university peer-reviewed study suggests an enthusiastic untapped market.[2]

            Currently available products are 50/50 blends of fermented pepper puree and liquor. Bourbon Hot Sauce is a tad smokey/sweet; Tequila, distinctively earthy; and the molasses sweetness of Dark Rum makes a hot sauce perfect for odd and wonderful experiments. The products inspire conversation and creativity. And with no vinegar, flavoring options for the patented sauce are endless (and a ton of fun). Chocolate Bourbon Hot Sauce, Blueberry Vodka Hot Sauce, and more are under development and are only possible through this innovation.

            Swamp Dragon Hot Sauces contain 20% alcohol, and are approved by the United States Alcohol and Tabacco Tax and Trade Bureau NonBeverage Laboratory and so are OK for all ages. Now patented and 20% alcohol, Swamp Dragon Hot Sauces are, without question, the most innovative hot sauce since the inception of the category.

More product information here:

