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Have you ever thought how a pack of butter could give back to the planet?

Have you ever thought how a pack of butter could give back to the planet?

Spreading lashings of butter on top of your freshly baked bread has never been so guilt free … as long as it’s from Lewis Road Creamery.  From its treasure of vitamins, CLA’s and Omega-3 fats — all thanks to its natural grass-fed origins and its regenerative farms that give back to the planet, this butter is knocking down the walls … and earning the awards.   We’re thrilled to have been recognised by the Specialty Food Association by being bestowed the coveted 2023 Product of the Year along with the Dairy Category Award.  Be sure to drop by Booth #811 for a taster.   

Americans have delighted us! You are supporters of our journey and we’re excited to have you onboard.  Even though besotted in the color and flavor, the provenance behind the butter is what resonates.  Coming from only 8 farms our butter is a culinary delight and those who taste it realise it’s all about the grass.  Above 99%!  

Herein lies why it gives back to the planet.   We’re grass farmers, essentially soil musketeers driven to farm regeneratively simply because it’s the right thing to do.  As farmers of the land, our end goal is to not just better it for the generations to come, but to prove that farming regeneratively can in fact sequester carbon, improve the soil biome therefore using less inputs making it more climate resilient, and provide a natural and fresh diet for our cows 365 days a year … and the views are pretty amazing too!

Southern Pastures, the parent company of Lewis Road Creamery (and owner of our farms), has joined forces with independent New Zealand auditors Toitu (the body for qualifying carbon reductions) and Asurequality (accreditation body), both owned but independent to the New Zealand Government — a world leader in business transparency. 

Pioneering a regenerative accreditation program has been 10 years in the making and encompasses environment, animals, people and planet.  With each pack of butter sold around 20 cents goes directly back into regenerative efforts across the farms.  Increasing biodiversity by planting native trees, allowing areas within a farms a chance to regenerate, housing permanent bee populations and planting all year round bee friendly plants plus releasing the perfect weapon, dung beetles, adept at dragging the poop deep within the soil, and boosting populations of earthworms, the tireless soil aerating engineers.  There are many, many, more initiatives that would have you feeling proud to be part of our butter and 10 Star Certified ValuesTM revolution.

The more we can naturally enhance the soils, the more life it can hold and the greater amount of water vapour it can absorb.  So, as you can see, when you purchase a pack of Lewis Road Creamery 10 Star butter you’re not only savouring the finest butter but also contributing to a “Climate Cool” initiative – although, we admit, we might be a bit biased.

You can discover Lewis Road Creamery’s unsalted and salted butter at discerning natural food stores throughout the United States and on Amazon.  To find a list of these locations and to find out more, please visit our website

Media enquiries:  Visit booth #811 and have a chat to Steve, or get in touch at  [email protected].