Sodexo Live! is the exclusive catering company at the Las Vegas Convention Center and is responsible for the safety of all food and beverage consumed, prepared and dispensed on property.  

All exhibitors sampling and/or cooking must submit a sampling form, gain approval for the cooking method, submit a COI naming Sodexo Live! and obtain a handwashing kit.  Exhibitors must be the manufacturer and/or distributor of the actual product and the booth must be under their name.  For sampling questions, please contact Exhibitor Catering Assistance at or 702.943.6779.  


Sample size portions should be as follows: 

  • Food: 2oz portion 

  • Non-Alcoholic Beverage: 3oz portion 

  • Alcoholic Beverage: With Mixer 1oz portion/ Beer 5oz portion / Wine 2oz portion 


  • Alcohol is permitted only in small sample sizes and individuals must have proof of ID.  

  • Bartenders must be hired through Sodexo to pour your sample.  NO ALCOHOL may be sampled without a Sodexo Live! Bartender. 

  • Alcohol must be brought in through the dock by a local distributor. Not hand carried onsite. 


No CBD Products  

  • No products containing CBD are permitted 

  • No marijuana-based CBD products are permitted 

  • Hemp based CDB products are not permitted 


Along with the required forms, a handwashing kit is required.  You may provide your own station or purchase it from Centerplate for $200 + tax. 

  • Handwashing Kit should include the following: 

    • 5 Gallon Hot Water Supply Tank 

    • 5 Gallon Waste Water Tank / Bucket 

    • Liquid Hand Soap with pump dispenser 

    • Hand Sanitizing Wipes 

    • Single use paper towels 

  • Water dispenser must be filled with hot water at least 1 hour prior to the opening of the show with continuous refiling throughout the services 

  • Hot water must be filled daily 

  • Hot Water re-fill stations will be available on the show floor or at designated retail locations at the convention center.

  • All food and beverage must be covered and protected from handling, coughs, sneezes, dust, dirt and vermin during transportation, storage, handling, display and service. 

  • Close supervision by an exhibitor staff member is required at all times during sampling. 

  • Instruments such as tongs or serving spoons are to be used to prevent direct handling or food. It is recommended that food items be offered in pre-portioned servings. 

  • Food samples must be protected from customer contamination using one of the following methods. Covered by a transparent shield (sneeze guard); Inaccessible to attendees and served by the exhibitor on an individual basis in sample size portions. 

  • The use of home-prepared food is strictly prohibited. Food preparation using heating/kitchen services must be disclosed to the food and beverage department and the Las Vegas Convention Center's Fire Prevention Team. 

  • Limited on-site preparation of food is allowed.  

  • Please use a designated clean-up station for all cleaning of utensils. 

  • The use of L.P. gases such as propane & butane are prohibited. All electrical equipment must be U.L. approved (Underwriter's Laboratories). 

  • The use of fry equipment must include a grease-shield for the machine as well as a fire extinguisher. 

  • All heating elements are subject to approval.  A description of size/equipment/ processing procedure is required. 


We highly suggest using electric cooking devices in place of methods that require using an open flame. A fire extinguisher is required for any method that requires an open flame (sterno or candles) or LP Gas.  

  • 3A-40BC Fire Extinguisher in your booth while you are using the open flame. 

  • Your cooking equipment must be approved by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc, or another approved listing agency. 

  • Your cooking appliance must be placed at least 18in (45.7cm) from the front of your booth. 

To request a fire extinguisher, please contact Michele Hilton at in a new window) 


Exhibition and Display Cooking  


Temporary exhibition and display cooking are only permitted within the limitations given below.  

  • All cooking appliances shall be listed or approved by a nationally recognized testing agency, e.g., Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., American Gas Association. 

  • All cooking equipment is to be operated according to the manufacturer's operating instructions. Equipment listed or designed for outdoor use shall not be used indoors. 

  • All multiple-well cooking equipment using combustible oils or solids and cooking surfaces, i.e., grills that exceed 288 square inches (2’ x 1’ max.) that produces grease-laden vapors, must have a fire extinguishing system installed and an exhaust duct system complying with the currently adopted Mechanical Code. 

  • All single-well cooking equipment (deep-fat fryers), operations using combustible oils or solids, shall meet all the following criteria: 

    • Metal lids sized to cover the horizontal cooking surface are to be provided. 

    • The cooking surface is limited to 288 square inches (2’ x 1’ max.). 

    • The equipment shall be placed on a noncombustible or limited combustible surface. Examples include concrete floors and fire retardant treated (FRT) plywood. The noncombustible surface must extend three (3) feet in front of the fryer. 

    • The fryer is to be separated from all other equipment by a distance not less than 24 inches. 

    • These cooking displays must be separated from all other combustibles by a distance not less than 10 feet. 

    • The volume of cooking oil per appliance is not to exceed three (3) gallons. 

    • The volume of cooking oil per booth is not to exceed six (6) gallons. 

    • Deep-fat fryers shall be electrically powered and have a shut-off switch. 

  • Other appliances for exhibition cooking shall also be limited to 288 square inches (2 square feet) in area. Examples are induction cooktops, ranges, electric warmer, single burner ranges, or multiple burner ranges. 

  • A minimum of one (1) Class-K fire extinguisher shall be located within 30 feet of each deep-fat fryer and each grill or other appliance producing grease-laden vapors. 

  • A minimum of one (1) Class 3A-40BC fire extinguisher shall be located within each booth with additional or other display cooking such as baking, sautéing, braising, stir fry, convection cooking, warming of food, and all other like applications. 

  • Solid fuels, including charcoal and wood, are prohibited within exhibit halls.